Friday 13 October 2017

Fried Dried Squid (Ojingeo-Twigim)

Hujan2 ni sis rasa nak makan makanan goreng2 laaa
Tapi ape ye
Ape tu??

Haaa..apa tu?? sotong kering goreng laaa

Jadi macam mana nk buat ni??


  • 1 large dried squid (about 4 ounces)
  • 1/3 cup potato starch
  • ¼ cup plus 2 tablespoon all-purpose flour
  • pinch baking powder
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 cup reserved squid soaked water
  • 4 to 5 cups vegetable oil

For soy vinegar dipping sauce

  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon white vinegar
  • ¼ teaspoon hot pepper flakes (optional)
  • ½ teaspoon sesame seeds


Prepare Squid

  • Separate the arms and body of squid. Remove the bone that looks like plastic inside the squid.
  • Use scissors to cut the body of the squid crosswise into ½-inch-wide pieces. Separate the arms into pieces with the scissors. Soak in 2 to 3 cups cold water for 4 to 5 hours until soft and flexible.
  • Drain and pat dry with paper towels. Reserve the water from soaking.
  • Mix the squid with 2 tablespoons flour with your hands to coat evenly. Set aside.


  • Combine potato starch, the remaining ¼ cup flour, salt, baking powder, egg, and the reserved squid soaking water in a mixing bowl. Mix well with a fork.
  • Heat the vegetable oil in a 10 to 12 inch pan over medium-high heat until it reaches 350 F. Drop a small spoonful of batter into the heated oil. If the batter floats to the surface in a second, the oil is hot enough for cooking.
  • Dip each piece of squid into the batter to coat well. Carefully place the coated squid pieces, a few at a time, into the hot oil. Cook, turning a few times, until the batter is light golden and crunchy, about 1 to 2 minutes total. Transfer the cooked squid to a strainer. Repeat with the remaining squid pieces.
  • When the squid pieces have all been fried once, fry them again, 3 to 4 minutes until very crunchy and golden brown. Drain on a paper towel-lined plate.
  • And ready to eat

You can watch it here too ↴


Songpyeon?? Ape tu?? Sempena birthday sis harini..sis rasa mcm nak share cara2 buat kek beras
Haaaa...Songpyeon ni kek beras sebenarnyaa...
Songpyeon kebiasaannya dibuat pada perayaan Chuseok. Jadi mcm mana nak buat nya??

songpyeon la Songpyeon


  • 3¼ cup short grain rice flour
  • (mepssalgaru 멥쌀가루 or ssalgaru 쌀가루), sifted
  • 1 cup blueberries, washed and drained
  • 2 teaspoons yellow water from gardenia fruits
  • hot water
  • salt
  • honey (or sugar)
  • ¼ cup fresh beans (raspberry beans or any fresh beans)
  • 3 tablespoons pine nuts
  • 3 tablespoons toasted sesame seeds, ground
  • pine needles, washed and pat-dried with kitchen towel
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil


Make white rice cake dough:

  • Combine 1½ cup rice flour, ¼ teaspoon salt, and ¼ cup hot water in a bowl and mix it with a spoon until the dough is cool enough to knead by hand.
  • Knead for about 1 minute until smooth.

  • Roll it into a ball and wrap it in plastic wrap. Set aside.

Make a bit of yellow rice cake dough:

  • Put a little more than 2 tablespoons rice flour and 1½ teaspoons gardenia fruit water into a small bowl. Mix it with a spoon and then roll it into a ball with your fingers.
  • Wrap it in plastic wrap and set aside.

Make purple rice cake dough:

  • Place 1½ cup rice flour and ¼ teaspoon salt in a bowl. Set aside.
  • Heat a thick pan over medium high heat and add blueberries. Press and break the blueberries with a potato masher (or a large wooden spoon) as you cook them, until all the berries are broken. Let it bubble for a few minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon.

  • Remove from the heat. Put it into a mesh strainer over a fitted bowl. Press down and stir it with a wooden spoon to strain. You will get around 3/4 cup of hot blueberry liquid.

  • Add ¼ cup to the rice flour. Mix it with a wooden spoon until the dough is cool enough to handle by hand.

  • Knead the dough for about 1 minute until smooth.
  • Roll it into a ball and wrap it in plastic wrap. Set aside.

 Make fillings

  • Put the beans into a small bowl and mix with 2 teaspoons honey.
  • Fold the the pine nuts into a piece of parchment paper on your cutting board. Pound the nuts through the paper or roll them with a rolling pin until they’re crushed. Put them into a small bowl and mix with 1 tablespoon honey.
  • Put the sesame powder in a small bowl and mix with 1 tablespoon honey and pinch of salt.

               songpyeon materials

Shape Songpyeon

  • Take a piece (about 1 ounce) of white or purple dough and roll it into a ball in your hands.
  • Work your thumb into the center of the ball to create a small cup out of it. Fill the cup with one of the fillings: beans, sesame seeds, or pine nuts.

  • Seal it using your thumb and index finger and shape it into a half moon. You can leave it like that, or for some variation you can roll the half moon into a smooth ball and shape a little ridge on the top.

  • Keep rolling and filling until all the dough is finished, about 12 to 14 songpyeon. Leave about 1 ounce of white and purple dough for flower petals.


  • Add 2 inches of water to a large steamer and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat until we’re ready to steam.
  • Line the steamer basket with a cotton cloth and fresh pine needles.
  • Add all the songpyeon and put another cotton cloth on top of the basket and close the lid. This will stop water from dripping on the songpyeon while its being steamed.
  • Turn on the heat to medium-high and steam for 30 minutes, then for 5 minutes at low heat.
  • Remove from the heat and uncover. Let them cool for a few minutes, then take them out of the steamer with a spatula and a spoon. Brush each songpyeon with a little bit of sesame oil.
songpyeon steamed

Serve them ☺

You can watch this too ↴

Sunday 8 October 2017

Naengmyeon (Cold Noodles)

Noodle??? yessss...tapiii noodle ni lain tau , sgt menarikk
Jom tengok mcm mne nak buatnya.

Haaaa..mearik kann
Macam mana nk buat ni??

Thursday 28 September 2017


Harini rasa mcm nk makan daging je..ermmm..haaaa

Apa tu Bulgogi??
Bulgogi adalah campuran kecap asin dan gula ditambah rempah lain bergantung pada resep dan daerah di Korea. Sebelum dimakan, daun selada digunakan untuk membungkus bulgogi bersama kimchi, bawang putih, atau bumbu penyedap lain.

Di Jepang, makanan yang sejenis disebut Yakiniku. Dibandingkan dengan Yakiniku, bumbu daging untuk bulgogi dibuat lebih manis. Air pada bumbu cukup banyak sehingga daging tidak dipanggang di atas plat besi (teppan), melainkan di atas panci datar.

Haaa.. ni la Bulgogi


  • 2 pon daging sirloin, iris tipis
  • 3 siung bawang putih, geprek dan cincang halus
  • 3 siung bawang merah, potong halus
  • 1 buah bawang bombay, potong halus
  • 1/3 cangkir (2 sendok makan) kecap manis
  • 2 sdm minyak wijen
  • 2 sdm madu
  • Lada hitam secukupnya
  • 1/2 sdt gula pasir
  • 1 sdm gochujang*)
  • 1/2 sdm minyak wijen
  • 1 kepala daun selada


  • Pada pisau bagian belakang, irislah dengan tipis sampai empuk.
  • Mangkok tersebut berisi sisa-sisa bahan tersebut. Campuran tersebut harus rata/tebal.
  • Tuangkan bumbu rendama ke dalam daging tersebut dan campurkan dengan tangan. Dan pastikan daging tersebut harus sudah terlapis dengan bumbu rendaman tersebut.
  • Bungkus dengan plastik dan diamkan selama 1 jam.
  • Masak daging dalam satu lapisan di meja Hibachi.
  • Daging yang dimasak harus sudah selesai, dan bagian luarnya berkaramel.
  • Di mangkok yang berbeda, gabungkan gula dan gochujang.
  • Masukkan minyak wijen ke dalam campuran tersebut.
  • Sajikan dengan daun selada dan campuran gochujang.
You all can watch it here too ↴

Dakgangjeong (Sweet Crispy Chicken)

Hujan2 ni buatkan sis rasa nak makan ayam laaa....tapi nak makan ayam ape yee...

Haaa!!! Macam mana dgn Sweet Crispy Chicken???

wahhhhh!!!! menariknya
Macam mana nk buat ni??

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Yangnyeom Chicken ( Spicy Korean Fried Chicken )

Hello..sekarang saya nak share appetizer/snack pulak. Semua mesti suka ayam sekarang saya nak share macam mana nk buat ''Spicy Korean Fried Chicken''

Ayam Yangnyom (양념 치킨) ayam goreng yang digoreng dengan sos merah yang melekit. Ia adalah salah satu daripada banyak variasi hidangan ayam yang popular di rantai makanan segera di Korea. Popularitinya juga semakin berkembang di luar Korea. Di A.S., ayam goreng Korea dipanggil "KFC lain" oleh sesetengah orang. Sekiranya anda suka ayam goreng, anda harus benar-benar memberikan resipi ini, terutamanya jika anda tidak mencuba "KFC yang lain". Kerak nipis adalah renyah tambahan dari menggoreng dua kali, dan sosnya sangat menakjubkan! 

Kimchi Soondubu Jigae (Soft Tofu Stew)

Harini nk post menu yang tak berapa famous kat sini..tapi sgt famous kat korea. Apa menu tu??? yessss..Kimchi Soondubu Jigae

Apa tu Soondubu Jigae??

Soondubu Jigae (순두부 찌개) is  a stew made with uncurdled tofu. You can use any meat you want, and mushrooms are a good substitute if you don’t like meat. For the best results, always use fully fermented kimchi to cook withI like to use anchovy broth as a stew base, which is typical, but you can use other broth or water.